Honky, by Greg Kallares, Presented at Black Box Theatre. Nadine Maguire Theatre Pavilion. University of Florida. Directed by Mikell Pinkney. March 2016
Blues for an Alabama Sky by Pearl Cleage. Performed at Charles Winter Wood Theatre, Florida A&M University, Oct. 21 - 25, 2015. Photograph by Evelyn Tyler.
Seven Guitars by August Wilson. Presented at Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville KY. September 2015
The Mountaintop by Katori Hall. Performed at The University of Arkansas Department of Theatre and The African and African American Studies Program Studio 404, January 30-February 1, 2015. Photograph by Emily Clarkson.
Gem of the Ocean by August Wilson. Performed at Florida A&M University, Oct 2014. Photograph by Kalisha London


Honky 2Honky 4Honky 1Honky 3Honky, by Greg Kallares


Place of production: Black Box Theatre at the Nadine Maguire Thatre Pavilion.  University of Florida
March 2016 



photo 1-2tl1 -_Copy_2-2If Scrooge was a Brother, by Ekundayo Bandele 
eta Creative Arts Foundation, Chicago, Ill.
Nov. 2014


Pomona College_1Pomona College_3In The Blood, by Suzan-Lori Parks
Pomona College
Oct 2013


California State_University_Sacramento._Intimate_ApparelIntimate Apparel, by Lynn Nottage
California State University, Sacramento 
Place of production: Department of Theatre and Dance, Playwright's Theatre, 2014 



A.J. Akinribade_as_Youngblood_and_Felicia_Santiago_as_Rena_in_the_Wabash_Theaters_production_of_August_Wilsons_JitneyDevan James_Young_as_Doub_and_Edward_Evans_as_Becker_in_the_Wabash_production_of_August_Wilsons_JitneyJitney, by August Wilson
Wabash College
Place of production: Wabash College, Fine Arts Center


Joe Turners_Come_and_Gone-80-2Joe Turner's Come and Gone, by August Wilson
College of William and Mary 
Place of production: Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall, College of William and Mary


IMG 7146IMG 7180Ruined by Lynn Nottage 
Jackson State University
Performed at Rose McCoy Auditorium (JSU Campus)